Sunday, May 06, 2012

Twelve Days of Chocolate - Mayan Hot Chocolate

We're counting down to the Brooks Friends of the Library Death by Chocolate Bake Sale with the Twelve Days of Chocolate. Every day from now until May 12 we will be giving you a new chocolate recipe every day to tempt and inspire you. Each of these recipes came from magazines that are currently available for check out from the Brooks Public Library.

Today's delectable chocolate drink comes from Natural Health Magazine. You can check this magazine out from the Brooks Public Library or at

Mayan Hot Chocolate


1 small sweet potato
3 cups organic whole or 2 percent milk or organic soymilk
6 ½ ounces 75 percent dark chocolate chopped into small pieces
½ teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg


1.    Peel and cube the sweet potato; in a medium saucepan of water over medium heat, simmer until soft, about 10 minutes.

2.     In a blender, purée the cooked sweet potato with one cup of the milk until the mixture is completely smooth and liquefied, about 1 minute.

3.    Put the purée, the remaining milk, chocolate, and spices into a saucepan over medium-low heat. Whisk until the chocolate melts. Don’t let the liquid come to a bowl. Serve hot in mugs.


And remember, the Death by Chocolate Bake Sale is happening Saturday May 12, 10:00am to 2:00pm at the Brooks Royal Canadian Legion. If you wish to donate some of your baking please give Gloria a call at 403-362-3295.

1 comment:

  1. Mayans and Aztecs share the same idea about chocolates. Chocolates before where offered to Gods and Royalties. Although I think they use different ingredient in making their chocolate drink.
